My New Book:
"Title: "The Heart is a Hound Dog Baying For love"
This 200 page book is an epilogue to my 430 page book "The Giorgioni Legend." Gwen L. Hunte, the daughter of a wealthy aeronautical company has been in love with Captain Clyde Amos Giorgioni since she was a child. Captain Clyde, a carrier pilot, is sent home on temporary leave after missing a landing on the carrier Enterprise. Prepared to die, Clyde is miraculously saved the next morning by the crew of the submarine Cuttlefish. He returns to Dallas on temporary leave and to run the US Marine recruiting office until called back to duty. While downtown at noon mass by newly frocked father McNaire, Clyde and Gwen sit in the same pew. At lunch she tells Clyde that she is a graduate of Bryn Mar and that her goal in life to have five children...she a single child. Clyde the athletic and pal type of man is nonetheless drawn into he web of love.
The dating, proposal and marriage are worth a book of it's own.
1. In 1943 there are twins: Caraline (little mommy) and her twin William Scott, a boy genius.
2. Then follows Ellie, a sweet and darling child, (a loveable peacemaker).
3. The fourth child is a boy with his maternal grandfather's name which is the name taken from his rough and ready maternal grandfather...Jerome Lee Hunee) The last is a boy named after his father...Clyde Amos Giorgioni Jr.
The setting is WW22 and the war in the Pacific against Imperial Japan.
Clyde is recalled for duty to serve as a carrier pilot in the battle of Okinawa Island...a terrible and sage battle. (Both ladies and gentlemen will learn lots of history in this epilogue as well as thrills and chills for Clyde now back at war and now with a family and two children. and Gwen pregnant with the third cut little Ellie.
After peace is declared in August 2 on the battleship Missouri, Clyde and his buddy Jeb Beaumonte begin an air travel line called the Patriot Line.
It is worth the whole book to travel with the Patriot crew to:
1. Kyoto, Japan
2. Mount Rushmore in South Dakota
3. The But chart Gardens in Vancouver, British Columbia
4. The lovely Arizona city of Sedona and its environs.
r. The star trip is a trip up the east side of the Grand Canyon (one of the seven wonders of the world.- The reader will discover the geography of the Grand Canyon to more than match the scanty knowledge of some so-called experts.
The best is yet to come ! President Harry S. Truman asks Clyde and Jeb to go to the North Korea on a special mission/ The Patriot crews performs expertly and is honored in Congress and by President Truman for their courage and valor in saving hundreds of lives.
No one whatsoever will want to miss the surprise ending which is a double-header and includes the Oval Office and the flight home on the President's airplane the Sacred Cow.
The final and ending paragraphs a surprisingly and touching.
If you fail to read this 200 or less page book you will regret it immensely!!!
Wayne Sands, MD (Author of : "The Giorgioni Legend," "TC Thronfyre," "Bid More Winning Slams" and 'Literary Potpourri." (a book of short stories, poems, and literary prose."
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